Support tasks (answer to queries) related to the management of the Chamilo virtual classroom will be carried out at the level of Administrator / teacher:Technical advice on the creation and configuration of categories, courses and resources (forums, chats, lessons, exercises, etc.).
Configuration and realization of backups and optimization of the storage of the contents.
Technical support on the use of the system and its functionalities, including all queries and queries related to the management of Chamilo.
Information about critical application updates.
Inquiries will always be made in writing via email to
The Customer will provide Nosolored with an Administrator user (name and password) of the Chamilo installation during the time the services are contracted. Nosolored can access the classroom to study the problem posed by the client but in no case will modify any parameters or alter any data of the classroom unless expressly requested by the client.
Once a query is made by the client, Nosolored will study and respond to it within a period of no more than 24 business hours. The response will be sent in writing to the client's e-mail address and it will indicate the time spent in its resolution as well as the remaining time of support contracted.
In each query, Nosolored will seek the best possible solution, however, the response to a query does not guarantee that a solution can be found to the problem posed by the client, as it will depend on the problem itself, hardware and software environment of the Client's teams And the users of the classroom, the characteristics of the hosting server and Chamilo's own limitations, which as free code software with GPL license may have.
The customer can contract the number of hours of support he wants. The contracted support hours have an expiration date of 1 year.
Included services
Support tasks related to the management of the Chamilo virtual classroom will be carried out at administrator / teacher level:
Technical support on the use of the system and its functionalities, including all queries and queries related to the management of Chamilo.
Critical Application Update Information
Services not included
Support by phone or Skype, chat or similar.
Modifications of PHP code of Chamilo or its plugins.
Chamilo template modifications (CSS style sheets or template).
The resolution of errors or warnings of programming PHP of the own software Chamilo or of the modules and / or blocks installed before or after the update of the virtual classroom, of revision of incidences in equipment of the client or of the users of the classroom, etc.
If during the process of responding to a query, it is determined that it is a Chamilo bug, Nosolored will report the bug on the Chamilo tracker. The employee will not be counted as support time in reporting a bug and its subsequent tracking in the tracker.
Support on configuration, installation or operation of any non-standard Chamilo plugin.
Updates to new versions
Repairs of installations and / or updates made by the Client or by third parties in the virtual classroom object of this service.
Any maintenance of the virtual classroom (insertion of contents, users ...) unless expressly requested by the client.
It is advisable to follow a continuous policy of updates to new versions to guarantee the repair of possible programming / operating errors.
Software Warranty:
The software is open source (free code) with GPL license.